Tuesday, May 31, 2011

PR-USA.net ? Not enough Canadians being screened for colorectal ...

U?? ?f a simple, ?t-home screening test b? Canadians ??n prevent many unnecessary colorectal cancer deaths, according t? a special report ?b??t colorectal cancer ?n Canadian Cancer Statistics 2011 released today b? th? Canadian Cancer Society, ?n collaboration w?th th? Public Health Agency ?f Canada ?nd Statistics Canada.

If 80% ?f Canadians aged 50+ w?r? screened over th? next 10 years, ?t ?? estimated th?t 10,000 t? 15,000 deaths ???ld b? prevented.

Colorectal cancer ?? th? second leading cause ?f cancer death ?n Canada, w?th ?n estimated 8,900 Canadians dying fr?m th? disease ?n 2011. It ?? th? fourth m??t commonly diagnosed cancer ?n Canada ?ft?r prostate, lung ?nd breast cancer. An estimated 22,200 n?w cases ?r? expected ?n Canada ?n 2011. Although rates ?f colorectal cancer incidence h??? b??n declining over th? past two decades, th? number ?f n?w cases h?? increased substantially due t? population growth ?nd aging.

Th? Society recommends th?t Canadians aged 50 ?nd over g?t screened ???r? two years w?th a simple stool test (known ?? FOBT ?r FIT). B?t currently, ?nl? 32% ?f Canadians ?n th?? age group report having a screening test. F?r people w?th symptoms ?r ?t higher risk ?f colorectal cancer, ?t ?? ?m??rt?nt th?t th?? talk t? th??r doctors.

?One ?f th? major goals ?f cancer screening ?? t? detect cancer ?n people wh? h??? n? symptoms,? ???? Gillian Bromfield, Senior Manager, Cancer Control Policy, Canadian Cancer Society. ?F?r colorectal cancer, screening fr?m age 50 using a stool test leads t? fewer deaths. W? need t? identify ?nd overcome barriers t? colorectal cancer screening ?? th?t more Canadians g?t screened regularly. It?s a simple test ?nd ?t saves lives.?

Th? fecal occult blood test (FOBT) ?nd th? fecal immunochemical test (FIT) ?r? simple, ?t-home kits th?t test f?r trace amounts ?f blood ?n th? stool, wh??h ??n b? a sign ?f colorectal cancer.

?It?s very ?m??rt?nt th?t doctors talk t? th??r patients ?b??t screening,? ???? Bromfield. ?Canadians wh? h??? discussed colorectal cancer screening w?th th??r doctors ?r? more th?n twice ?? l?k?l? t? g?t screened regularly.?

According t? th? 2009 Colon Cancer Screening ?n Canada survey, 71.7% ?f Canadians aged 50 t? 74 wh? discussed colorectal cancer screening w?th th??r doctors ?r? up t? date w?th screening, compared t? ?nl? 32.6% wh? h??? n?t h?d th? discussion.

S?m? ?th?r facts ?b??t screening, according t? th? survey:

  • 81% ?f Canadians ?r? aware th?t screening tests exist ?nd recognize th? benefits ?f screening.
  • 60% ?f Canadians d? n?t understand th?t screening ?? a ?health behaviour? th?t doesn?t require symptoms ?n order t? b? performed.
  • M??t Canadians ?r? n?t familiar w?th th? ?t-home test. M??t ?r? aware ?f colonoscopy (a more invasive test used f?r follow-up).

Risk factors ?nd prevention Risk factors f?r colorectal cancer include a diet high ?n red ?r processed meat, being overweight, physical inactivity, smoking ?nd a family history ?f th? disease. Th? best ways t? reduce th? risk ?f colorectal cancer ? along w?th screening ? ?r? eating a healthy diet, being physically active ?n order t? maintain a healthy body weight, n?t smoking ?nd avoiding excessive drinking.

Diagnosis ?nd treatment Aft?r a positive screening test ?r symptoms such ?? bleeding, obstruction ?r abdominal pain, diagnosis ?? commonly m?d? using a medical exam such ?? colonoscopy ?r sigmoidoscopy.

Treatment depends ?n th? stage ?t diagnosis ?nd m?? include surgery, chemotherapy ?r radiation.

Survival Compared t? ?th?r cancers, colorectal cancer h?? a moderate prognosis w?th a five-year relative survival rate ?f 63%. Th?? ?? better th?n ??m? cancers, such ?? lung (16% survival), b?t worse th?n prostate (96%) ?r breast (88%).

Canada h?? one ?f th? best colorectal cancer survival rates ?n th? world ? slightly lower th?n th? US, b?t better th?n m??t ?f Europe, including th? UK ?nd Scandinavia.

Th? five-year colorectal cancer survival h?? improved considerably ? fr?m 56% ?n 1992-94 t? 63% ?n 2004-06. Survival ?? expected t? continue t? improve ?n th? future ?? screening uptake increases.

Trends b? province Participation ?n screening varies widely ??r??? th? country, w?th th? lowest rate ?n Quebec ?nd th? highest ?n Ontario ?nd Manitoba (th? first two provinces t? actively launch province-wide screening programs ?n 2008 ?nd 2007 respectively).

Conclusions ?nd recommendations

Treatment advances ?nd screening h??? led t? ?m??rt?nt reductions ?n colorectal cancer deaths ?nd improvements ?n survival. H?w???r, further improvements w?ll require th? following:

  • continued emphasis ?n screening, including:

? ? ? ? ?

  • maximizing regular participation ?nd retention ?n screening programs ?nd enhancing th??r quality

? ? ? ? ?

  • improving Canadians? awareness ?b??t screening ?nd th? fact th?t screening ?? f?r people w?th n? symptoms
  • more research ?nt? th? risk factors f?r colorectal cancer ?nd effective prevention ?nd treatment

?B? becoming more aware ?f colorectal cancer, h?w t? screen f?r ?t ?nd h?w t? prevent ?t, Canadians ??n h?l? ensure th?? ?r? looking ?ft?r themselves ?nd th??r families,? ???? Dr. David Butler-Jones, Canada?s Chief Public Health Officer.

A survivor?s ?t?r? T? h?r friends, 55-year-?ld Kavita Jagasia ?? a walking billboard f?r th? importance ?f regular colorectal cancer screening.

?B?????? ?f wh?t happened t? m?, now th???ve ?ll b??n screened,? ???? Kavita, diagnosed w?th colorectal cancer ?n July 2008. ?Everybody suddenly woke up.?

Th? Toronto-area account manager ?n corporate travel w?? diagnosed ?ft?r several months ?f noticing redness ?n h?r stool. Sh? t?ld herself ?t w?? nothing t? worry ?b??t, b?t friends ?t?rt?d commenting ?n h?r weight loss even though ?h? wasn?t dieting. Urged b? h?r husband, ?h? w?nt t? h?r family doctor. A colonoscopy ?h?w?d ?h? h?d stage 2 colorectal cancer. Surgery two weeks later removed th? tumour ?nd further treatment w?? n?t required.

Kavita considers herself lucky, b?t ???? a simple screening tool l?k? th? fecal occult blood test (FOBT ?r FIT) ???ld h??? m?d? much ?f h?r experience unnecessary.

People m?? n?t want t? d? ?t b?????? th?? th?nk ?t?s ?gr???,? ?h? ????, b?t ??f I h?d done ?t I probably w??ld h??? b??n treated much earlier.? I probably w??ld h??? b??n treated ?t th? polyp stage, r?th?r th?n a full-blown cancer.?

Wh?l? a healthy lifestyle m?? reduce people?s cancer risk, Kavita knows th?t being ?f normal weight, a vegetarian, non-smoker ?nd non-drinker w?? n?t enough t? prevent h?r ?wn cancer.

?If ?t ??n happen t? m?, ?t ??n happen t? anybody,? ?h? ????.

General highlights: Canadian Cancer Statistics 2011

  • An estimated 177,800 n?w cases ?f cancer (excluding 74,100 cases ?f non-melanoma skin cancer) ?nd 75,000 deaths fr?m cancer ?r? expected t? occur ?n Canada ?n 2011.
  • More men th?n women ?r? diagnosed w?th cancer, b?t th? gap between th? two sexes h?? narrowed ?n recent years (52% ?f cases ?r? ?n men versus 48% ?n women).
  • More th?n one-quarter ?f ?ll cancer deaths ? 27% ? ?r? due t? lung cancer.
  • Th? death rate f?r ?ll cancers combined ?? declining f?r males ?n m??t age groups ?nd f?r females under 70.
  • Th?r? w?r? n? increases ?n death rates f?r m??t types ?f cancer ?n men ?r women. Notable exceptions include liver (both sexes), lung (women) ?nd melanoma (men).
  • Th? five-year relative survival rate f?r ?ll cancers combined ?? 62%.

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Canadian Cancer Statistics 2011 ?? prepared, printed ?nd distributed through a collaboration ?f th? Canadian Cancer Society, th? Public Health Agency ?f Canada, Statistics Canada ?nd provincial ?nd territorial cancer registries.

Th? Canadian Cancer Society fights cancer b? doing everything w? ??n t? prevent cancer, save lives ?nd support people living w?th cancer. Join th? fight! G? t? fightback.ca t? find out h?w ??? ??n h?l?. Wh?n ??? want t? know more ?b??t cancer, visit cancer.ca ?r call ??r toll-free bilingual Cancer Information Service ?t 1 888 939-3333.

F?r more information ?b??t Canadian Cancer Statistics 2011, visit cancer.ca.

Colon Cancer Screening ?n Canada w?? commissioned b? th? Canadian Partnership Against Cancer ?nd conducted fr?m March 10 t? April 17, 2009, b? Angus Reid Public Opinion ?nd th? Applied Health Research Centre ?t St. Michael?s Hospital ?n Toronto. A total ?f 3,153 Canadians w?r? randomly surveyed. Th? margin ?f error wh??h measures sampling variability ?? +/- 2.1%. Th? results h??? b??n statistically weighted according t? th? m??t current education, age, gender ?nd region Census data t? ensure th? sample ?? representative ?f th? adult population aged 45 t? 74 ?n Canada.


/NOTE TO EDITORS: Media Assets accompanying th?? ?t?r? ?r? available ?? follows:






<a href="http://pr-usa.net/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=738985&Itemid=29tag:news.google.com,2005:cluster=http://pr-usa.net/index.php?option=com_content?>PR-USA.net ? N?t enough Canadians being screened f?r colorectal cancer, leading t? many unnecessary deaths

Source: http://howtocleanseyourbody.com/people/pr-usa-net-not-enough-canadians-being-screened-for-colorectal-cancer-leading-to-many-unnecessary-deaths/

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Monday, May 30, 2011

Egypt Reopens Gaza Border Crossing

After a four-year blockade, Egypt on Saturday permanently opened the Gaza Strip's main gateway to the outside world, bringing long-awaited relief to the territory's Palestinian population and a significant achievement for the area's ruling Hamas militant group.

The reopening of the Rafah border crossing eases an Egyptian blockade that has prevented the vast majority of Gaza's 1.5 million people from being able to travel abroad. The closure, along with an Israeli blockade of its borders with Gaza, has fueled an economic crisis in the densely populated territory.

But Saturday's move also raises Israeli fears that militants will be able to move freely in and out of Gaza. Highlighting those fears, the Israeli army said militants from inside Gaza fired a mortar shell into an open field in southern Israel overnight. There were no injuries, and Israel did not respond.

Israel and Egypt imposed the blockade after Hamas seized control of Gaza in June 2007. The closure, which also included tight Israeli restrictions at its cargo crossings with Gaza and a naval blockade, was meant to weaken Hamas, an Islamic militant group that opposes peace with Israel.

Since the ouster of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak in February, Egypt's new leadership has vowed to ease the blockade and improve relations with Hamas.

"The closure did not affect only the travel of passengers or the flowing of goods. Our brains and our thoughts were under blockade," said Khaled Halaweh, a 28-year-old student who was headed to Egypt for a master's degree in engineering at Alexandria University in Egypt. He said he had not been out of Gaza for seven years.

The Rafah border terminal has functioned at limited capacity for months. Travel has been restricted to certain classes of people, such as students, businessmen or medical patients, and the crossing was often subject to closures. Travel through Israel's passenger crossing with Gaza is extremely rare.

Under the new system, most restrictions are being lifted, and a much larger number of Palestinians are expected to be able to cross each day, easing a backlog that can force people to wait for months.

Some 350 people had gathered at Rafah early Saturday as the first bus load of passengers crossed the border. Two Egyptian officers stood guard next to a large Egyptian flag atop the border gate as the vehicle passed through. The atmosphere inside the Gaza border terminal was orderly, as Hamas police called up passengers one by one to register their travel documents.

After two hours of operation, Hatem Awideh, director general of the Hamas border authority in Gaza, said 175 people had crossed. None were forced to return, a departure from the past when Egypt had rejected passengers found to be on "blacklists."

"Today is a cornerstone for a new era that we hope will pave the road to ending the siege and blockade on Gaza," Awideh said. "We hope this facilitation by our Egyptian brothers will improve travel and will allow everyone to leave Gaza."

More buses crossed Rafah later, dragging blue carts attached to the rear, with luggage piled high. In the terminal, many waited with high hopes.

One woman, who gave her name as Aisha, was headed for a long overdue medical checkup in Cairo. She said she underwent surgery for blocked arteries at a Cairo hospital in October, but Egyptian authorities had prevented her from returning for checkups because a distant relative was caught ? and killed ? operating a smuggling tunnel on the Gaza-Egypt border. During the four-year blockade, a thriving smuggling business has grown along the border. She crossed the border but it was unclear if Egypt would send her back.

Salama Baraka, head of police at the Rafah terminal on the Gaza side, said travel has been limited to about 300 passengers a day. He said it was unclear how many people would pass through on Saturday, but that officials hoped to get about three days' worth of people, or roughly 900, across.

Rami Arafat, 52, was among the early arrivals. He said he hoped to catch a flight out of Cairo on Sunday to Algeria for his daughter's wedding.

"All we need is to travel like humans, be treated with dignity, and feel like any other citizens of the world who can travel in and out freely," said Arafat. He said he thought the relaxing of travel restrictions "will guarantee more support from all Arabs and Palestinians for the new Egyptian regime."

The new system will not resolve Gazans' travel woes completely.

While Egypt has dropped its restrictions on who can travel, bureaucratic obstacles remain. Males between 18 and 40 will have to apply for Egyptian visas, a process that can take weeks. Women, children and older men will need easier-to-obtain travel permits, which can be obtained in several days.

Israel, which controls Gaza's cargo crossings, allows most consumer goods into Gaza, but it still restricts exports as well as the entry of much-needed construction materials, saying they could be used by militants. Israel also enforces a naval blockade aimed at weapons smuggling.

Israeli and American officials have expressed concerns that Hamas will exploit the opening to bring weapons and fighters into Gaza. In January 2008, masked militants blew open the Rafah border wall, allowing thousands of people to pour in and out of Egypt.

Egyptian officials say they have security measures in place to keep weapons from crossing through Rafah.

Hamas has long used tunnels to get arms into Gaza. Gaza militants now have military-grade rockets that have hit cities in southern Israel.

Amos Gilad, a senior Israeli Defense Ministry official, told Channel 2 TV Friday that Israel's primary concern is that military training personnel could cross to instruct Hamas fighters.

"One trainer who tells them how to set up the rockets and how to use them is equal to a large quantity of weapons," Gilad said.

Egypt's decision to open the border is also meant to boost an Egyptian-mediated unity deal between the rival Palestinian factions Hamas and Fatah. Hamas has governed Gaza since routing Fatah forces in 2007, leaving the Fatah-dominated Palestinian Authority in control only of the West Bank.

Last month, the Egyptian regime brokered a reconciliation deal. With details still being worked out, Hamas will be in charge of the Palestinian side of the Rafah crossing, but Egypt coordinated the opening with the Palestinian leadership in the West Bank, said Yaser Afnan, Egypt's ambassador in the West Bank.

The Palestinian Authority in the West Bank welcomed the opening of the crossing.

Source: http://www.npr.org/2011/05/28/136742124/egypt-reopens-gaza-border-crossing?ft=1&f=1009

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Lego Fan Creates 250,000-Brick ?Garrison of Moriah? [Republished]

Alice Vincent - Wired ?Usually, the only constraint on building a Lego creation is your imagination. Unless, that is, you build a giant structure that demands its own "Lego room."

One Lego fan has done just that: Say hello to the "Garrison of Moriah," and the 540-square-foot room it inhabits. Inspired by the fantastic buildings featured in the likes of Star Warsand The Lord of the Rings, Garrison creator Gerry Burrows has built a detailed (and huge) sculpture to the scale of the tiny Lego people who have the honor of inhabiting it.

Burrows has wanted to build big ever since his Lego fandom began as a child. However, it was the freedom of maturity that allowed him to realize his construction dreams. He tells Wired.co.uk: "I entered what Lego fans call ?The Dark Ages' - where I didn't do anything with Lego - but when I graduated college and bought my first house, I unpacked a box of my old Lego bricks. I started thinking how I now have the money and space to actually build the things I wanted to build - without a little sister to rampage through my Lego creations."

A combination of discovering BrickLink ("the holy grail of Lego buying"), adapting a basement for building purposes ("I told our realtor that I needed a ?Lego room.' He thought I was joking at first.") and a week off work resulted in the first Lego bricks being laid on what was to become the Garrison of Moriah.

Making preparations for building, however, was just the first step. Amazingly, Burrows' building strategy took little planning, he tells Wired.co.uk: "Nothing ever touched paper or computer. But as I would start to build and focus on individual structures, I would spend time thinking of the specific structures' design. As I built I would get inspiration on cool directions to take."

Burrows never suffered any disasters during construction. That's not to say, however, there weren't a few precautions taken in building such a megastructure: "I learned to not jump or even flinch when stepping on a Lego piece in my bare feet," he says.

?It's still growing.'

Currently, the Garrison of Moriah stands at 28 feet long, wrapping around one-third of the room. It has a depth ranging between 24 inches and 59 inches and runs from 6.5 feet to 12 feet tall - and that's after shortening two structures to fit in the Lego room. Burrows estimates he's used between 200,000 and 250,000 Lego bricks.

However, the Garrison is set to expand further: "It's still growing. The bridge isn't complete, nor is the other end of the bridge. And I'm building a fleet of custom ships," Burrows says.

We're holding our breaths. Until then, check out the awesome Garrison of Moriah up close, in the Wired UK gallery.

Photo courtesy Gerry Burrows

Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/t1PPYNrEQUs/lego-fan-creates-250000+brick-garrison-of-moriah

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Sunday, May 29, 2011

Driving and Vehicle Controls

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Once you have correctly and comfortably positioned your seating, the next important step is to familiarise yourself with all the controls that are in your car, and also what each of them do! The position of the hand controls are placed slightly different depending on the car that you have, but they should all be place in easy reach. Before you begin to drive an unfamiliar car, work out where the controls are and how each of them works or is activated.

Source: http://ezinearticles.com/6305434

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Find Articles Library ? Creating EBooks For Internet Marketing

You can promote your products and services in a lot many ways. In internet marketing you can apply number of marketing techniques to gear up your sales and increase your profit. Introducing good e-books and then presenting them on the internet is one good option available to promote your products. High profits are expected as this method is more efficient amongst all others. E-books being very effectual is a little difficult as such but then it requires skilled professionals working over it for making it profitable for the business. Whether or not you would like to target a niche such as search engine copywriting or any other specialized niche, it?s vital that you remember the following tips.

It is very much essential that you have a clear idea of what exactly does your online want to know about your product. In order to understand about the demands of the online prospects you should study about them in detail. By taking all the points of the research into consideration you can ensure that your E-book will have very good demand in the market. Always remember that even if the book made you is fascinating, but does not derive interest of the users; it is definitely of no use. Another option which is available is by submitting few articles related to your market online, if the option of research does not suit you in any way. It would enable you to recognize the amount of traffic that is generated on your website.

At the end of this you will be able to find out whether which articles from amongst all are gaining more attention and you can proceed with this slot. Proper planning will help you to offer a well formatted e-book. It will be fine if you write it by your own. You can take help of a professional writer by giving him the key points to be included if it is not possible for you to write your own article.

At the time of preparing an electronic book, do make use of some fascinating images added to your books. It is a proven fact that people like to see graphic and animations. One more thing on which you need to pay attention is to places where in you can apply your marketing for your offerings. If perhaps you want to target a niche such as website optimization or any other niche, it?s important that you remember the following tips.

Other than the pictures and the designs you use in the book, also ensure that you have a professional e-book cover page. You need to focus on catching the interest of the visitors in order to earn lucratively from e-books. You need to check it out that the ebook that you wanted is prepared accordingly once it is done with. Any errors in the book can tarnish your business image and hence you have to emphasize on perfection.

Before you release your e-book on your web page, you can distribute it to some interested customers as a free sample and take reviews from them. Reviews should be posted on review section of your web page to increase your trustworthiness. This will definitely prove as a good promotional strategy for your products or services. With this you can also attract higher traffic to your web pages. Thus it can be said tat e-book is one method which is very effectual for online promotions.

Source: http://www.findarticles.co.za/creating-ebooks-for-internet-marketing/

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Self Improvement | bi-polar-disorder.romantis.net

Self Improvement


Anything which comes about to us comes about in goal. And occasionally, a singular thing leads to an additional. Rather of locking by yourself up in your enclosure of fears as well as great by prior heartaches, annoyance as well as failures, understanding with them as your teachers as well as they will spin your instruments in both self alleviation as well as results.

I bear in thoughts observation Patch Adams ? a my a a singular preferred film, in fact. Its a singular sold great film which will await you enlarge your self. Hunter ?patch? Adams is a healthcare tyro who unsuccessful to have it around a house exams. Soon after months of pang in melancholy, basin as well as suicidal attempts ? he done a preference to find out for healthcare courtesy as well as willingly certified himself in a psychiatric ward. His months of sojourn in a sanatorium led him to assembly graphic sorts of people today. Sick people right away in which issue. He met a catatonic, a mentally retarded, a schizophrenic as well as so on. Patch celebrated methods of treating his own ailment as well as eventually satisfied he has to get behind again upon track. He woke up a singular sold sunrise realizing which after all a disaster as well as heedfulness he has left via, he though wish to grow to be a a physician. He carries with himself a helpful mindset which brought him self alleviation as well as great results. He didn?t usually softened himself, though additionally a hold up of a group as well as women around him as well as a peculiarity of life. Did he succeed? Needless to say, he grew to spin a excellent damn illness practitioner his republic has essentially acknowledged.

So, when does self alleviation rise in to synonymous with success? Where do you get started? Take these guidelines, friends???

Read some-more articles
Book upon Self Help: Self-help Audio Books Offer 7 Jumpstart Titles To Perk Up Your Mind
The Great Gatsby?s Self-Help ContractBlueprint} For Success
The Truth Why so Many People Fail With Self-help Programs
Self-help book upon complacency tips

*Cease introspective as well as feeling as if you?re a failure, especially since you?re not. How can alternative people accept you if YOU can?t accept YOU?

*When you see hunks as well as designs upon Television, cruise many some-more upon self improvement, not self pitying. Self acceptance is not only about carrying smashing slim legs, or great abs. Focus upon inner beauty.

*When people knowledge so down as well as low about themselves, assistance them send up. Don?t go down with them. They?ll lift you down some-more as well as any of you will interpretation up feeling inferior.

*The universe is a estimable space for lessons, not blunders. Don?t knowledge foolish as well as cursed perpetually only simply since you unsuccessful upon a scholarship quiz. There?s mostly a successive time. Make bedrooms for self improvement.

*Get factors 1 during a time. You do not expect black sheep?s to be goody-two-shoes in only a snap of a finger. Self alleviation is a a singular day during a time practice.

*Self alleviation benefits to inner stability, celebrity alleviation as well as puncture this ???. Achievement. It arrives from self self-assurance, self high regard as well as self esteem.

* Set suggestive as well as practicable goals. Self alleviation doesn?t spin you to be a expect reproduction of Cameron Diaz or Ralph Fiennes. It hopes as well as aims to outcome to an softened as well as larger YOU.

*Little issues indicate Major to alternative people today. Occasionally, you do not comprehend which a small factors which you do similar to a pat upon a behind again, observant ?hi? or ?hello?, nod a chairman ?excellent day? or revelation Mr. Smith a little thing similar to ?hey, you similar to your tie!? have been candid issues which meant so a lot to alternative folks. When we?re being elegant about overwhelming factors all around us as well as alternative folks, you additionally grow to be poetic to them.

*When you?re rebuilt to accept cgange as well as go around a proceed of self improvement, it doesn?t indicate which each chairman else is. The creation is a place where people of assorted values as well as viewpoint cling to out. At times, even if you pretence you as well as your excellent great crony in all similar to to do a expect same cause collectively during a really same time, she would many probable decrease an call in for self improvement.

We ought to in all bear in thoughts which there?s no this arrange of emanate as ?over dusk success?. Its in all a smashing feeling to say upon to a equipment which you right away have now, realizing which these have been only 1 of a issues you once wished for. A intensely great allude to says which ?When a tyro is ready, a clergyman will appear.? We have been all here to find a lessons. Our mothers as well as fathers, propagandize teachers, great friends, colleagues, officemates, neighbors??? they have been a teachers. When you open a doorways for self improvement, you progress a probabilities to conduct to a travel of achievement.

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Tom M.<br />Chicago, IL

Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/self-improvement-articles/self-improvement-3883656.html

Source: http://bi-polar-disorder.romantis.net/self-improvement.html

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Fun Family Activities - Summer Exercise In Disquise


May 28, 2011 Exercise

Looking for some fun family activities to help burn off those extra calories during this holiday weekend? We?ve got a plan to sneak in some of the most fun you?ll ever have exercising!

So, what are you up to the next three days? Are you BBQ-ing with the family, heading to the beach or park? Are you camping? You can get some of the best, most fun exercise ever while doing all these popular activities? Here?s how:

Going to the beach? You can have many fun family activities, if you don?t just park in the cabana or in your favorite lawn chair. Go be a pirate and hunt for treasures! I?m not just talking sea shells here? You can find all kinds of goodies. It?s surprising what washes up on shore and what people leave behind.

And of course, head out into the water for a swim. It?s wonderful just floating, even therapeutic! Enjoy it! You?ll be working muscles without any joint pain (Randy would swim for exercise everyday if he could). Bring water balls and play catch! It?s so much fun just splashing around and making those daring, diving catches! CANNONBALL!

Heading out to the park? Camping? Lots more fun family activities here! We love Frisbee, especially when Randy does those risky catches! We all say, ?ooooooooo? and ?wow.? The kids love it. And while you?re out, why not hunt for treasure there too? Sometimes, I send the children out to find a heart-shaped leaf, before I know it, we?ve created a game of ?who can find the coolest, strangest, or even a like stuff.? Its fun summer exercise in disguise. :)

For you home-bound BBQ-ers: Fill up the kid?s pool and let the fun begin ? squirt guns and water balloons required! The kids can fill their squirt guns in the pool and it?s a WATER-FIGHT! This is one of the most awesome fun family activities we?ve ever had. Fill up some water balloons and it starts with one brave soul? Then, you?re hit! I?m not a fan of running, but I ran all over the yard sniping our sneaky kids with my water bombs! Mama?s got game! Cowabunga! :D

Not a fan of water? How about some kickball at your cook out? Kickball is coming back in a huge way ? our dearest Unka Chuk is on an adult kickball league! Hey, I?ve seen big people do the funniest things when playing a child?s game. It will make for great entertainment, and people will talk about how much fun they had at your holiday BBQ for years.

Baseball is another favorite of ours. Oh I can?t even begin to tell you how many different ?pitches? Randy has! We all play baseball just to watch what crazy kinda pitch Daddy will serve. Can you believe that he actually has a name for every pitch? I do fancy his booty pitches! LOL! We have much, much fun! Try some baseball, be creative, and see what crazy fun erupts at your house?

Believe me, whatever you do this weekend, make it fun. Don?t keep score, and be silly. Better yet, be the silliest! Be a kid and have a super huge-O ton of fun! These fun family activities will burn calories and exercise places you didn?t even know existed! I can vouch for that, ouch!

Wow, just writing this article sets me in fun mode! Look out for Mommy this weekend, I?m pumped now! Let the games begin! ?The kids are goin down! He he he!

Here?s to the most fun exercise ever!

Source: http://www.health-actually.com/exercise/fun-family-activities-summer-exercise-in-disquise/

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Lebanese Fear Collateral Damage From Syrian Crisis

Smoke billows from the Jabal Mohsen community while a Sunni gunman takes cover behind a wall in the Bab al-Tabbaneh neighborhood during clashes in Tripoli, Lebanon, on July 9, 2008.
Enlarge Ramzi Haidar/AFP/Getty Images

Smoke billows from the Jabal Mohsen community while a Sunni gunman takes cover behind a wall in the Bab al-Tabbaneh neighborhood during clashes in Tripoli, Lebanon, on July 9, 2008.

Ramzi Haidar/AFP/Getty Images

Smoke billows from the Jabal Mohsen community while a Sunni gunman takes cover behind a wall in the Bab al-Tabbaneh neighborhood during clashes in Tripoli, Lebanon, on July 9, 2008.

The unrest in neighboring Syria has the northern Lebanese city of Tripoli on edge. Thousands of refugees have poured over the border, the demand for weapons is skyrocketing, and the pro-Syrian Alawite minority is warning of chaos if Syrian President Bashar Assad's regime falls.

Though Hezbollah is the best known of the pro-Syrian actors in Lebanon, residents in Tripoli are more worried about the Alawites, members of the same minority that has ruled Syria for more than 40 years. Their numbers may be small, but they are well-armed and fiercely loyal to Damascus.

The Alawite community of Jabal Mohsen stands on the hill above Bab al-Tabbaneh, a poor Sunni neighborhood in Tripoli. Three years ago, it was the scene of intense armed clashes that left dozens dead and hundreds of families displaced. Nobody here wants to see that repeated.

So far that kind of sectarian violence has not returned. But as a coffee seller's clinking cups echo through a deserted market, the economic damage is apparent. Residents say the only ones making money these days are the arms dealers.

Religious Minorities

In keeping with Lebanon's reputation as a haven for religious minorities ? provided they're willing to fight for their own survival ? the Alawites of Lebanon are at once a feared armed group and a threatened religious minority.

Rifaat Eid, who heads the Alawite Arab Democratic Party, agrees with Syria's argument that chaos will erupt across the region if Assad's regime is threatened.

"If anything happens in Syria, all the Middle East will be divided," he says. "The serious danger in this is that all the minorities will end in the Middle East, especially the Christians, OK? And I will tell you, as minorities the Jewish will ? can't ? afford to stay in the Middle East."

Eid proudly recounts how former Syrian leader Hafez Assad rescued the Alawites during Lebanon's civil war. He says Syria trained, armed and funded the Lebanese Alawites, whose most recent battles have been against hard-line Sunni Salafists that he says are backed by Saudi Arabia. That's one reason the price of a Kalashnikov is so high these days, he says.

"We are seeing it now in Egypt. Who's gathering all the power? The Salafists!" he says. "The gun, the [Kalashnikov] gun, it's $300-$400. Now it's $2,000, and no one can get one."

Sunni leaders see the situation differently. Lawmaker Khaled Daher says the catastrophic warnings from Syria and its supporters are simply a tired replay from the Arab dictator's playbook: Back me or face chaos.

"The Syrians are very good at putting fear into people," he says. "I mean, their problem is with their people. They want rights, democracy; this is what they should be working on, their problems with their people. Instead, what are they doing? From the beginning, you know, the Syrians have tried to move the focus from their problem to others."

Tangled Allegiances

If Syria wants to destabilize Lebanon, analysts say, it won't take much in a country that always seems to be on the brink of collapse.

While demonstrations have been staged in capitals around the world opposing the Syrian regime's crackdown against its citizens, in Beirut recently it was a pro-Assad demonstration that snarled traffic.

Children collect bullet casings at the scene of overnight fighting between Sunnis and Alawites in Tripoli on May 11, 2008.
Enlarge Ramzi Haidar/AFP/Getty Images

Children collect bullet casings at the scene of overnight fighting between Sunnis and Alawites in Tripoli on May 11, 2008.

Ramzi Haidar/AFP/Getty Images

Children collect bullet casings at the scene of overnight fighting between Sunnis and Alawites in Tripoli on May 11, 2008.

Beirut political analyst Oussama Safa says it took decades to build the tangled allegiances that make up Lebanon's modern ties to Syria, and even those who loathe those connections are fearful about what might happen if they're suddenly severed.

"The political system, the electoral law, are all put together basically to keep a certain elite in power that is very close to the Syrians," he says. "So all of this would probably all of a sudden be gone if the regime in Syria is no longer able to call the shots. And I think this might throw Lebanon into a lot of uncertainty."

Many Lebanese are convinced Assad isn't going anywhere soon. Retired Lebanese army general and analyst Elias Hanna says since 1970, Assad's father, Hafez, cultivated a system of control in which Alawite loyalists occupy the key military, intelligence and political positions.

But by the same token, says Hanna, if this popular protest can sustain itself, Assad's options will be limited.

"In Syria there is one dimension: the army, security, and the party, and the political level are one. Zero-sum game," he says. "So that's why you have a dilemma today in Syria: If the president opens up too much he loses, and if he closes too much he loses."

As the world watches how President Assad responds to the biggest threat yet to his regime, no one is watching more closely than Lebanon.

Source: http://www.npr.org/2011/05/27/136693247/lebanese-fear-collateral-damage-from-syrian-crisis?ft=1&f=1009

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Saturday, May 28, 2011

EVO 2, The First Android Console Game | Gadget ABC

Have you ever imagined playing Android games on television? Envizions Computer Entertainment Corporation, a company that?s specialized in (IT) support and broadband internet service is trying to make it happen. They?ll be kicked off the game industry with its newest product, EVO 2, the first console that will run game Android based on television.

Some say that Evo 2 is the continued achievement of Envizions after 4 years working in gaming industry. Envizions itself has launched several consoles such as EVO Smart Console in 2006, and GameBox in 2010. Now, they try to target mobile games? segment that are skyrocketing. And Android is a pretty smart choice, considering that this device is much in demand today, especially Android has some games with thousand users.

So, what?s special about EVO 2? The ability to convert size resolution from the small screen to the larger one are better value offered by Envizions. You?ll be pleased to play Angry Birds on the television screen in your living room. About the price, it isn?t much different from the Xbox 360 and PS3, which is $ 249.

How about the specifics? EVO 2 is supported by Samsung 1.2 GHz processor, with RAM DDR2 512 MB with OS Android 2.2. Not only that, bundle which offered also include EVO TV remote, joystick, HDMI cable, and one extra cable. What about its application service? Don?t worry, Envizions also provide service storage applications. And .. users can also collect points that can be redeemed for free premium Android games. Hmm .. seems like a very interesting offer. Do you want to have it?

Source: http://gadgetabc.com/2011/05/28/evo-2-android-console-game/

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Source: http://www.financialinvestmentadvisor.org/financialsolutions/credit-card-debt-relief-act-2010-making-debt-settlement-programs-a-better-option.html

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Unedited: The Jewish Standard Celebrations: Tea Party Revolution ...


By Jeanette Friedman

It?s like listening to the Mad Hatter, whose anxieties were fraught with unfounded fear. The screaming, rude noises, and rabid partisan politics of the ultra conservative wing of a certain political party dominate the news, giving those who truly love refined, old-fashioned elegant tea parties a headache. The tea partiers described in the press have attitudes and behavior that are light-years away from the finely-honed, strictly structured etiquette, lady-like sensibilities and compassionate sensitivities of tea party lovers worthy of the name.

This is a call to lovely ladies and gents of all persuasions to appeal to civilized society and convince them re-adopt the pinky-in-the air tradition that, thanks to Queen Elizabeth of England and the royals, has not been completely eradicated by modernity. For those who indulge, tea parties have often been a lady-like way to raise funds for good causes. Now these sophisticated get-togethers are becoming fashionable again, along with hats, pearls, red lipstick, blue eye shadow and spiked heels, so it?s time to celebrate with one.

The very British tea tradition was embraced in Eastern and Central Europe and came to American Jewish communities with the Holocaust survivors who remembered how magnificent teas were served in their childhood homes. Of course, there was always the ?glezeleh tay? in a glass cup with a handle that was served after supper with a piece of cake, but nothing compared to a full spread of a Nishei Agudah women?s meeting, a fundraiser for the local Bikur Cholim organization, or an Oneg Shabbat tea organized by the local ladies in hats.

The neighborhood women knew how pull out all the stops, and taught their daughters to do the same. For large parties, they pooled their best silver and china, assigning different dishes, like fruit platters, fingercakes, apple strudel, and cheese cakes to the women who made the best of the best. The ladies would arrive at the home of the hostess, bringing their dishes and small gifts, like fancy paper napkins, a box of chocolates or other useful but elegant trifles. They wore lovely coat dresses and suits, with gloves, shoes and hats that were veddy veddy-matchy matchy. They chatted, gossiped, listened to a Dvar Torah, or pitch, wrote checks, and drank tea poured from sterling silver teapots into the finest porcelain cups, munching on finger sandwiches and other assorted delights. A wonderful, traditional custom from the Old Country was thus revived in the Jewish community.

Have a party of your own in a tea room or private home, cafes or hotel. Many scattered around the New York metro region will be happy to serve as your hosts or caterers. The most famous tea of course, is the afternoon tea at The Plaza Hotel, one of the most divine spots on the east coast. But there are rules.

You can find these exacting requirements on the web at http://whatscookingamerica.net/EllenEaston/EtiquetteFauxPas.htm. There are rules for everything, from how to hold the cup with your pinkie in the air to prevent spilling and how to use your teaspoon to stir sugar or milk (never cream) in your tea cup. Ellen Eaton has it all figured out for you. Google her and learn more about tea party ceremonies and tea than you could ever imagine.

Afternoon tea, also known as low tea, is a light meal typically eaten between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m. and served in sitting rooms on low tables (like a coffee table) placed near sofas or chairs. High tea, also known as meat tea, is an early evening meal consisting of cold meats, eggs or fish, cakes and sandwiches eaten at a regular height table between the hours of 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. It?s often followed by a lighter later in the evening.

To avoid Mad Hatter syndrome, make this easier by setting up a buffet andhaving your caters prepare finger sandwiches, fresh fruit and cake platters and other foods you want to serve. Keep little pots of tea hot on Sterno fueled platforms. Offer a selection of international teas that come from exotic places, or spice and fruit teas that don?t contain caffeine. They can be tea bags or loosed leaf teas. Prepare pareve substitute/milk, lemon, lime and orange slices, sugar substitutes, sugar cubes, honey, and different types of granulated sugars. Butter should be whipped and at room temperature for easy spreading. Don?t forget a huge bowl of whipped cream for the tarts and lemon curd for muffins and scones.

Put out your best china cups, and they don?t need to match. Use your fanciest platters, crystal plates and flatware. Everything should be as pretty as you can make it. You can buy fancy printed paper napkins or use linens, decorate with fresh flowers. Even the Queen of Hearts would approve.

Belamari Tea Room

198 Diamond Bridge Avenue




This Victorian tea room in Hawthorne was conceived in Paris in 2002 by three sisters who were there to celebrate a beloved niece?s Sweet Sixteen. As they sat in a tea salon opposite the Louvre and raised their tea cups to honor their recently deceased mom, they decided to create a tea room in Northern New Jersey. Their diverse backgrounds (information technology, the fashion industry, and banking) brought solid business experience to their love for tea and making people happy. The name ?Belamari? is a combination of the names of their grandmother, Emma Bell and their mother, Edna Marie?a wonderful way to celebrate their heritage. The sisters trained with industry experts, attended seminars, read books and took tea trips to France, Germany, the U.K., and several states in the U.S. where they gained a wealth of information about tea, its service, preparation and etiquette to help them provide their clients with the perfect tea experience. Call to find out about catering and kosher availability.

Lady Mendl?s
Five Course Tea Service
At the Inn on Irving Place

56 Irving Place
New York, NY

tel: 212- 533-4466
tel: 800-685-1447
fax: 212-533-4611

Inquiries: innatirving@aol.com


This tea room is a throwback to the Washington Irving and Jane Austen days, simply out of this world

By Reservation: $35 per person + tax + 20% gratuity
Monday ? Friday: 3pm or 5pm seatings
Saturday & Sunday: 12pm, 2:30pm or 5pm seatings

Harmony Tea Room

11 Bergen St

Westwood, NJ




Located near the heart of Westwood?s Downtown, the Harmony Tea Room is American-style quiet oasis offering an escape from life?s hectic pace. It?s a wonderful place to sit quietly, sip tea from fine bone china and ponder what you must do for the next week or enjoy different teas with your friends as you take a taste trip around the world in a single afternoon. The scones are to die for and the variety of soups salads and finger sandwiches brings you from Africa to India and many other delicious destinations. Children?s tea parties are available in the Enchanted Garden party room. The Princess Tea Birthday includes fabulous costumes for each child and a photo memento. At the Scone Baking Party your child bakes scones and takes them home for the family, and at the Chocolate Tea Party, children make chocolate covered goodies. The reservation-only live music brunch is served the on third Sunday of every month. Call for more information.

Jeanette Friedman, EIC
The Wordsmithy

Source: http://jeanettefriedman.com/2011/05/630/unedited-the-jewish-standard-celebrations-tea-party-revolution/

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Houston Parks: Surprising Luster in the Middle of Texas

Article Directory - Travel & Leisure


Houston is known for its nightlife and music, so you may be surprised to learn that its parks are some of the best. If you love the outdoors, you will love being in the park. You can take a jog safely since you find other people around jogging or walking.

Enjoy the scenery and take pictures. If you are a photographer, the park will be one of the best places in Houston to take photographs, especially if you take pictures of the scenery. Read that book that you have been trying to read for the past week, but you haven?t been able to since your kids have been bugging you to help them. Houston Parks will give you the peace that you crave.

Houston Parks consist of locations such as Discovery Green where you can enjoy an immense number of programs from the Fitness in the Park program featuring Zumba, Yoga and Discovery Green Hoops to amazing free concerts and an open Famers? Markets. There is no shortage of things to do whether you want to dine in one of the two amazing restaurants or simply walk through the park enjoying time with a friend. You won't want to miss out on the children's programs like the Youth Writers Workshops and the Toddler Tuesdays filled with great fun the kids.

For all those looking for a Houston park that can rock their world and bring a touch of excitement to the visit, Market Square Park is the place to be. With amazing concerts like Patrice Pike, outstanding food such as Niko Niko's Greek fare, and great gardens this park is the hot spot in the heart of downtown. This park isn't just for the people of Houston and their visitors. The park caters to the doggie members of your family offering free training in the spring and plenty of walks for the canine love in your life to stretch his legs.

For those who love the great outdoors one of the greatest of the Houston Parks is the Houston Arboretum and Nature Center located in Memorial park 5 miles from Downtown Houston and 3 miles from The Galleria. This 155 acre nature preserve sports 5 full miles of trails for walking and running; tennis courts and with a great tools available in the Discovery Room in the Interpretive Center. The center boasts wonderful exhibits, a gift shop, classrooms and even a reference library. Don't miss the great activities such as nature camps, children's clubs and great educational events. This is a park that should not be passed up.

Urbancitytv is an online video city guide to the city of Houston that also provides local businesses with online marketing strategies. Enter to win a free business listing.

Source: http://www.tunerlifestyletv.com/travel-a-leisure/46-houston-parks-surprising-luster-in-the-middle-of-texas

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Know easy methods to create custom jerseys ? ArticleDesire.com

It?s not merely about crafting out a typical tee-shirt but more on creating new kinds from various tee-shirt resources. For example, some sites could give you a complete customization engine, so you could create a great collection of custom jerseys. The tools are easy because it simply allows you to create a customized shirt with several clicks that you can order online. There are several engines available, but the majority of them would have the same characteristics.

First, you will have to choose the colors for your custom jerseys. Pick one of the models then drag them from the tool box to the drawing sheet. You can color it in any way; you can also twist it around. Don?t forget to change the size, and to determine the place for the drawing or the message.

In case you prefer to use some text that you can use the text box. Just write the text, the font, change its shape and color and you will have your personalized jersey. You can also add the badge of your favored team with the aid of the options accessible.

If you would also like to use a certain picture, you can always upload it from your hard drive. Nonetheless, be sure that you set the proper resolution because the manufacturer produces the same design from the model you created. Use a good resolution, so all the details will be clear.

The custom jerseys are more than some simple t-shirts; they are a passion for some people. Some messages remained in the mind of the fans, and even the famous Hollywood stars are using them if they have something important to communicate with the world.

Nonetheless there are users that actually members of a sports team thus they create jerseys for them. Are you a fan of the Red Sox? Don?t worry, as you could easily create a jersey with the badge and the logo of the team, and with the number of your favorite player on the back! You can also add your name, so you would feel exactly like one of the players.

As for the colors, you must choose the colors of your favorite team. Certainly, you can choose to be realistic however be sure not to pick the shade used by the rival. Nonetheless you can pick a real text which your favorite athletes use.

Custom jerseys lasts for a long period of time. Suppose you are having a hard time picking which kind of text is better to use then you can get inspiration from blogs and discussion boards. You can always find original ideas there, but try to add something too. Usually, the most trusted and well known online stores could offer you a great form where you could talk with other passionate like yourself.

You can be among these people who create wonderful custom jerseys. Make personalized jerseys and then share your concepts with other to broaden your skills. Don?t be afraid to state your opinions and inspire the people around you using the custom jerseys.

Add Discount NFL Jerseys to your cool jerseys collection now. Get the exclusive inside scoop on this fantastic collection instantly in our overview of the fab Wholesale Green Bay Packers Pro Shop and the hottest trends.

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Source: http://articledesire.com/know-easy-methods-to-create-custom-jerseys/

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Rental Home Search News | Preparing for College

If yourself like this essay, be absolutely sure to check out Avery Ranch

Today?s market of headlines scream housing recession, foreclosures, fraud and scams, it is important to choose the right Realtor to help you buy or sell your home. See if they did what they advertise, if they really sold it. Realty offices need to be reviewed. According to a report by Realtor.Com over 82% of real estate sales are due to Realtors or agents through referrals, personal contacts, friends, family and more. But how do you choose the right person? Regardless of the source of the recommendation, here are five factors to look at when deciding if the person standing before you deserves to help you buy or sell your home.

Background Check Your Realtor

What I always find amazing is that people will Google friends, doctors, lawyers and more online but don?t check their Realtor or agent. In today?s market background checks are becoming more and more a part of doing business. Appraisers now must be registered with lenders, Mortgage Brokers must be licensed through a national system, but Realtors still fall under the radar. Would you want advice from a individual or company that isn?t up to par? For example take, the state of Florida, which according to a recent headline article in the Sun Sentinel stated, ?South Florida Market Was Ground Zero For Housing Market Bust.? It is in the top 5 states for real estate related fraud. Florida has one of the best open investigative tools available to consumers, public records. The public records system allows anyone to research any public filings done against a business or individual, including liens, judgments and foreclosures. For example we examined a realty office located in Coral Springs, Florida. According to www.Sunbiz.org, its corporate filing lists three officers or directors and the registered agent. According to public records at www.Broward.org all four have been involved currently or in the past in foreclosure proceedings against them. Three of them have their real estate licenses. Research who you are working with in one of the most important FINANCIAL transactions you could ever make. People in difficult financial positions are more likely to be tempted to be less ?ethical.? According to the Realtor.Com website it states as its number one reason for using a Realtor,

?Your REALTOR? can help you determine your buying power ? that is, your financial reserves plus your borrowing capacity. If you give a REALTOR? some basic information about your available savings, income and current debt, he or she can refer you to lenders best qualified to help you?.?

Most lenders won?t hire individuals who don?t meet certain personal financial criteria. Even the state of Florida has issued certain requirements for mortgage brokers regarding their own backgrounds and personal credit issues. Also check with the state or Realtor board to see if your Realtor has any ethics complaints

If It Feels Wrong, It Is

Many sellers and buyers would assume that in today?s tight credit market, fraud would be much harder to do, unfortunately that isn?t true. While in decline from the peak of 2007, it is estimated from a report released by Corelogic, that one in 200 conforming loans contain fraudulent information that could lead to default. In 2009 alone, fraud was estimated to cost $14 billion in losses according to the company. The largest states for fraud are Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina, California and Georgia. With a tough environment for all involved in the transaction, you might be tempted to commit real estate fraud, sometimes on the advice of your Realtor. I remember a transaction once where a ?well known? Realtor ask me to ?hide? from the lender the fact that there would be ?silent mortgage? held for furniture. I refused and fought the other Realtor as they tried to ?convince me that it would not be fraud.? Of course it is. If what a Realtor is telling you to do seems ?wrong? then it probably is. If you as a seller try to ?hide? a important fact on a property that could affect the purchase based on what your Realtor said you could face criminal charges. If you as the buyer, misrepresent yourself the same could happen. Remember, once the transaction is completed and the commission is paid, you may not be in a position of recourse.

Kickback Scams

Remember the saying, ?don?t have all your eggs in one basket?? Well there is a logic to that. Kickback scams involving Realtors and title companies are a huge issue according to the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). According to FraudGuides.Com, Real Estate agents would created a corporation that bought a interest in a title and insurance escrow company. The Realtors would then refer their clients to their OWN title companies. The title companies would then ?kick back? portions of the title and settlement fees to the crooked Realtors. It is best in a financial transaction to make sure that all parties are not under the same roof to protect yourself from ?in house scams.? Ask to get your estimated closing statement early enough before the day of closing. When you receive your closing statement, have it reviewed by a third party to make sure that the fees charged are not ?inflated.? Review the statement and ask questions regarding any of the costs involved. If you suspect kickbacks you can contact HUD at www.HUD.gov

Ask For A Proven Track Record

A good Realtor should not only provide you with homes they have sold and helped purchase but a record of how the transaction went. If you are the seller, you want to make sure the Realtor didn?t ?under sell? the properties he or she listed. How long did they sit on the market? Were they priced too high when first listed? If your Realtor is helping you to purchase a home, how many buyers have they helped this year? What was the average priced home? Are they specialist in helping first time home buyers but you are purchasing a luxury home? How many contracts feel through? Why? A good Realtor should be willing to negotiate on price, work within your parameters, not ?steer? you to ?particular homes?, and should know the market you are in.

Check Website

Which makes you have more confidence a website that provides full access to the Multiple Listing Service, provides a track record of the Realtor, what they sold, if it is pending, realty office information and more, or a one page website that looks like a elementary school project? The choice is clear. Presentation is everything and gives the impression of career success.

Choosing the right Realtor, agent or realty office can make the difference between sold it and sitting on it. Between getting the house of your dreams or buying a financial nightmare. Use the information above as a guide to finding a responsible, respected and ethical Realtor. And yes, they do exist!


Continue your research at Avery Ranch

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Source: http://clearwavemobile.com/preparingforcollege/2011/05/26/rental-home-search-news/

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Sexual Effects of Panax Ginseng | BCL Herbal

Sexual Effects of Panax Ginseng

Sexual Effects of Panax Ginseng

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Sexual Effects of Panax Ginseng

By: Rob Yates
Posted: Mar 17, 2011

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Ginseng is any one of eleven different species of perennial plants that belong to the Panax genus in the family Araliaceae. There are two main varieties of Ginseng, American and Asian (Panax ginseng). Both the American and Asian varieties are used as herbal remedies for an assortment of issues. Asian Ginseng roots are commonly used as an adaptogen, aphrodisiac, sexual dysfunction treatment, and as a stimulant.

Recent studies on animals have demonstrated that ginseng enhances libido and sexual performance (17). These sexual effects may be due to the effects of ginseng on the central nervous system and gonadal tissues. In a study performed by the Southern Illinois University School of Medicine (17), both American and Asian forms of Ginseng were found to enhance libido and copulatory performance. And, scientists at the Chonnam National University Medical School found ginseng to be capable of increasing sexual arousal in women (20). These sexual effects are thought to be caused by the effects of ginsengs active chemical component (ginsenosides), which directly affect the central nervous system and gonadal tissues (18,19).

There is also evidence that ginsenosides can assist with penile erection by activating nitric oxide production (22) and relaxation of penile corpus cavernosum (17) . The inner-lining of blood vessels use nitric oxide to signal the surrounding smooth muscle to relax, resulting in increased blood flow (23). Animal studies have provided further evidence to substantiate the role of nitric oxide in the mechanism of ginsenoside action (17).

In conclusion, the active chemical component in ginseng (ginsenosides) has been shown to directly affect gonadal tissues and the central nervous system. As a result of this effect, Ginseng may be an effective herbal treatment for erectile dysfunction in men, and may be an effective herbal treatment for low libido in women.

Works Cited

17. ?Murphy LL, Lee TJ. Ginseng, Sex Behavior, and Nitric Oxide. May 2002. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12076988

18. Murphy and Lee Ginseng, sex behavior, and nitric oxide Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2002 May;962:372-7 PMID

19. ?de Andrade E; de Mesquita AA; Claro Jde A; de Andrade PM; Ortiz V; Paranhos M; Srougi MStudy of the efficacy of Korean Red Ginseng in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Sector of Sexual Medicine, Division of Urological Clinic of Sao Paulo University, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

20. de Andrade E; de Mesquita AA; Claro Jde A; de Andrade PM; Ortiz V; Paranhos M; Srougi MStudy of the efficacy of Korean Red Ginseng in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Sector of Sexual Medicine, Division of Urological Clinic of Sao Paulo University, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

21. Oh KJ, Chae MJ, Lee HS, Hong HD, Park K. Effects of Korean red ginseng on sexual arousal in menopausal women: placebo-controlled, double-blind crossover clinical study. Department of Urology, Chonnam National University Medical School, Sexual Medicine Research Center, Chonnam National University, Gwangju, Korea.

22. Murphy , Laura L. &, Ferraro James S. Ginseng and Male Sexual Behavior. 2009. Herbal Drugs: Ethnomedicine to Modern Medicine.

23. Stryer, Lubert (1995). Biochemistry, 4th Edition. W.H. Freeman and Company. pp. 732.

Rob Yates ? About the Author:

Spartan Blend is an all-in-one dietary supplement for men containing a special blend of Panax Ginseng, Mucuna Pruriens, Tribulus Terrestris, Arginine, Horny Goat Weed, Zinc (oxide) Niacin, Tongkat Ali, Xanthoparmelia Scabrosa, Cnidium Monieri, Guarana Extract, DHEA, Eleutherococcus, Avena Sativa, Saw Palmetto, Rhodiola Rosea, Wild Yam, Maca Root, and Muira Puama.

Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/sexuality-articles/sexual-effects-of-panax-ginseng-4429596.html

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Article Tags:
ginseng, panax, libido, mucuna pruriens, testosterone, nitric oxide, mood, dopamine, seratonin, boost, elevate, muscle, build, supplements, spartan blend

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Tags: Effects, Ginseng, Panax, Sexual

Source: http://herbal.brentonlindo.com/sexual-effects-of-panax-ginseng/

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