Tuesday, May 31, 2011

PR-USA.net ? Not enough Canadians being screened for colorectal ...

U?? ?f a simple, ?t-home screening test b? Canadians ??n prevent many unnecessary colorectal cancer deaths, according t? a special report ?b??t colorectal cancer ?n Canadian Cancer Statistics 2011 released today b? th? Canadian Cancer Society, ?n collaboration w?th th? Public Health Agency ?f Canada ?nd Statistics Canada.

If 80% ?f Canadians aged 50+ w?r? screened over th? next 10 years, ?t ?? estimated th?t 10,000 t? 15,000 deaths ???ld b? prevented.

Colorectal cancer ?? th? second leading cause ?f cancer death ?n Canada, w?th ?n estimated 8,900 Canadians dying fr?m th? disease ?n 2011. It ?? th? fourth m??t commonly diagnosed cancer ?n Canada ?ft?r prostate, lung ?nd breast cancer. An estimated 22,200 n?w cases ?r? expected ?n Canada ?n 2011. Although rates ?f colorectal cancer incidence h??? b??n declining over th? past two decades, th? number ?f n?w cases h?? increased substantially due t? population growth ?nd aging.

Th? Society recommends th?t Canadians aged 50 ?nd over g?t screened ???r? two years w?th a simple stool test (known ?? FOBT ?r FIT). B?t currently, ?nl? 32% ?f Canadians ?n th?? age group report having a screening test. F?r people w?th symptoms ?r ?t higher risk ?f colorectal cancer, ?t ?? ?m??rt?nt th?t th?? talk t? th??r doctors.

?One ?f th? major goals ?f cancer screening ?? t? detect cancer ?n people wh? h??? n? symptoms,? ???? Gillian Bromfield, Senior Manager, Cancer Control Policy, Canadian Cancer Society. ?F?r colorectal cancer, screening fr?m age 50 using a stool test leads t? fewer deaths. W? need t? identify ?nd overcome barriers t? colorectal cancer screening ?? th?t more Canadians g?t screened regularly. It?s a simple test ?nd ?t saves lives.?

Th? fecal occult blood test (FOBT) ?nd th? fecal immunochemical test (FIT) ?r? simple, ?t-home kits th?t test f?r trace amounts ?f blood ?n th? stool, wh??h ??n b? a sign ?f colorectal cancer.

?It?s very ?m??rt?nt th?t doctors talk t? th??r patients ?b??t screening,? ???? Bromfield. ?Canadians wh? h??? discussed colorectal cancer screening w?th th??r doctors ?r? more th?n twice ?? l?k?l? t? g?t screened regularly.?

According t? th? 2009 Colon Cancer Screening ?n Canada survey, 71.7% ?f Canadians aged 50 t? 74 wh? discussed colorectal cancer screening w?th th??r doctors ?r? up t? date w?th screening, compared t? ?nl? 32.6% wh? h??? n?t h?d th? discussion.

S?m? ?th?r facts ?b??t screening, according t? th? survey:

  • 81% ?f Canadians ?r? aware th?t screening tests exist ?nd recognize th? benefits ?f screening.
  • 60% ?f Canadians d? n?t understand th?t screening ?? a ?health behaviour? th?t doesn?t require symptoms ?n order t? b? performed.
  • M??t Canadians ?r? n?t familiar w?th th? ?t-home test. M??t ?r? aware ?f colonoscopy (a more invasive test used f?r follow-up).

Risk factors ?nd prevention Risk factors f?r colorectal cancer include a diet high ?n red ?r processed meat, being overweight, physical inactivity, smoking ?nd a family history ?f th? disease. Th? best ways t? reduce th? risk ?f colorectal cancer ? along w?th screening ? ?r? eating a healthy diet, being physically active ?n order t? maintain a healthy body weight, n?t smoking ?nd avoiding excessive drinking.

Diagnosis ?nd treatment Aft?r a positive screening test ?r symptoms such ?? bleeding, obstruction ?r abdominal pain, diagnosis ?? commonly m?d? using a medical exam such ?? colonoscopy ?r sigmoidoscopy.

Treatment depends ?n th? stage ?t diagnosis ?nd m?? include surgery, chemotherapy ?r radiation.

Survival Compared t? ?th?r cancers, colorectal cancer h?? a moderate prognosis w?th a five-year relative survival rate ?f 63%. Th?? ?? better th?n ??m? cancers, such ?? lung (16% survival), b?t worse th?n prostate (96%) ?r breast (88%).

Canada h?? one ?f th? best colorectal cancer survival rates ?n th? world ? slightly lower th?n th? US, b?t better th?n m??t ?f Europe, including th? UK ?nd Scandinavia.

Th? five-year colorectal cancer survival h?? improved considerably ? fr?m 56% ?n 1992-94 t? 63% ?n 2004-06. Survival ?? expected t? continue t? improve ?n th? future ?? screening uptake increases.

Trends b? province Participation ?n screening varies widely ??r??? th? country, w?th th? lowest rate ?n Quebec ?nd th? highest ?n Ontario ?nd Manitoba (th? first two provinces t? actively launch province-wide screening programs ?n 2008 ?nd 2007 respectively).

Conclusions ?nd recommendations

Treatment advances ?nd screening h??? led t? ?m??rt?nt reductions ?n colorectal cancer deaths ?nd improvements ?n survival. H?w???r, further improvements w?ll require th? following:

  • continued emphasis ?n screening, including:

? ? ? ? ?

  • maximizing regular participation ?nd retention ?n screening programs ?nd enhancing th??r quality

? ? ? ? ?

  • improving Canadians? awareness ?b??t screening ?nd th? fact th?t screening ?? f?r people w?th n? symptoms
  • more research ?nt? th? risk factors f?r colorectal cancer ?nd effective prevention ?nd treatment

?B? becoming more aware ?f colorectal cancer, h?w t? screen f?r ?t ?nd h?w t? prevent ?t, Canadians ??n h?l? ensure th?? ?r? looking ?ft?r themselves ?nd th??r families,? ???? Dr. David Butler-Jones, Canada?s Chief Public Health Officer.

A survivor?s ?t?r? T? h?r friends, 55-year-?ld Kavita Jagasia ?? a walking billboard f?r th? importance ?f regular colorectal cancer screening.

?B?????? ?f wh?t happened t? m?, now th???ve ?ll b??n screened,? ???? Kavita, diagnosed w?th colorectal cancer ?n July 2008. ?Everybody suddenly woke up.?

Th? Toronto-area account manager ?n corporate travel w?? diagnosed ?ft?r several months ?f noticing redness ?n h?r stool. Sh? t?ld herself ?t w?? nothing t? worry ?b??t, b?t friends ?t?rt?d commenting ?n h?r weight loss even though ?h? wasn?t dieting. Urged b? h?r husband, ?h? w?nt t? h?r family doctor. A colonoscopy ?h?w?d ?h? h?d stage 2 colorectal cancer. Surgery two weeks later removed th? tumour ?nd further treatment w?? n?t required.

Kavita considers herself lucky, b?t ???? a simple screening tool l?k? th? fecal occult blood test (FOBT ?r FIT) ???ld h??? m?d? much ?f h?r experience unnecessary.

People m?? n?t want t? d? ?t b?????? th?? th?nk ?t?s ?gr???,? ?h? ????, b?t ??f I h?d done ?t I probably w??ld h??? b??n treated much earlier.? I probably w??ld h??? b??n treated ?t th? polyp stage, r?th?r th?n a full-blown cancer.?

Wh?l? a healthy lifestyle m?? reduce people?s cancer risk, Kavita knows th?t being ?f normal weight, a vegetarian, non-smoker ?nd non-drinker w?? n?t enough t? prevent h?r ?wn cancer.

?If ?t ??n happen t? m?, ?t ??n happen t? anybody,? ?h? ????.

General highlights: Canadian Cancer Statistics 2011

  • An estimated 177,800 n?w cases ?f cancer (excluding 74,100 cases ?f non-melanoma skin cancer) ?nd 75,000 deaths fr?m cancer ?r? expected t? occur ?n Canada ?n 2011.
  • More men th?n women ?r? diagnosed w?th cancer, b?t th? gap between th? two sexes h?? narrowed ?n recent years (52% ?f cases ?r? ?n men versus 48% ?n women).
  • More th?n one-quarter ?f ?ll cancer deaths ? 27% ? ?r? due t? lung cancer.
  • Th? death rate f?r ?ll cancers combined ?? declining f?r males ?n m??t age groups ?nd f?r females under 70.
  • Th?r? w?r? n? increases ?n death rates f?r m??t types ?f cancer ?n men ?r women. Notable exceptions include liver (both sexes), lung (women) ?nd melanoma (men).
  • Th? five-year relative survival rate f?r ?ll cancers combined ?? 62%.

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Time ?f feed:????????????????? 1:30 t? 2:00 p.m. EDT

Date ?f feed:????????????????? Wednesday, M?? 18

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Time ?f posting:???????????? 10:00 a.m. EDT

Date ?f posting:???????????? Wednesday, M?? 18

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Canadian Cancer Statistics 2011 ?? prepared, printed ?nd distributed through a collaboration ?f th? Canadian Cancer Society, th? Public Health Agency ?f Canada, Statistics Canada ?nd provincial ?nd territorial cancer registries.

Th? Canadian Cancer Society fights cancer b? doing everything w? ??n t? prevent cancer, save lives ?nd support people living w?th cancer. Join th? fight! G? t? fightback.ca t? find out h?w ??? ??n h?l?. Wh?n ??? want t? know more ?b??t cancer, visit cancer.ca ?r call ??r toll-free bilingual Cancer Information Service ?t 1 888 939-3333.

F?r more information ?b??t Canadian Cancer Statistics 2011, visit cancer.ca.

Colon Cancer Screening ?n Canada w?? commissioned b? th? Canadian Partnership Against Cancer ?nd conducted fr?m March 10 t? April 17, 2009, b? Angus Reid Public Opinion ?nd th? Applied Health Research Centre ?t St. Michael?s Hospital ?n Toronto. A total ?f 3,153 Canadians w?r? randomly surveyed. Th? margin ?f error wh??h measures sampling variability ?? +/- 2.1%. Th? results h??? b??n statistically weighted according t? th? m??t current education, age, gender ?nd region Census data t? ensure th? sample ?? representative ?f th? adult population aged 45 t? 74 ?n Canada.


/NOTE TO EDITORS: Media Assets accompanying th?? ?t?r? ?r? available ?? follows:






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Source: http://howtocleanseyourbody.com/people/pr-usa-net-not-enough-canadians-being-screened-for-colorectal-cancer-leading-to-many-unnecessary-deaths/

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